AIMA Conference 2020
The AIMA Conference 2020 was held on the 7&8 March 2020 at Auckland University of Technology. We are incredibly grateful to all of our fantastic speakers, sponsors, and attendees for making the event such a huge success!
The there for 2020 was “An integrative approach to personal, patient and planetary wellbeing”.
For information on our Coronavirus policy/advice, please click HERE.
The AIMA Conference is New Zealand’s leading event for the integrative medicine community. A ‘must-do’ for all doctors, health practitioners, students and members of the public who want to open their minds to the advantages that integrative medicine can provide to their lives and practices.
As Integrative Medicine gains influence across the world, we see how the combination of conventional western medicine and evidence-based complementary medicine and therapies can provide the physical, psychological, social and spiritual wellbeing that health professionals and patients are seeking.
The AIMA Conference 2020 investigated integrative approaches to personal, patient and planetary wellness. The program included the latest updates, insights, and advances in integrative medicine including nutrition and pediatrics along with a focus on emerging issues in environmental medicine such as glyphosate toxicity, mast cell activation syndrome and the impacts of 5G cellular network technology.
We had a fantastic line-up of passionate speakers from the United Kingdom, America, Australia, and New Zealand. A full list of speakers can be found HERE.
Hosted at AUT, in Auckland’s vibrant city centre, the conference was a great opportunity to network and socialise with speakers and like-minded practitioners whilst learning about the latest clinical and evidence-based information. Full catering was provided as well as lots of useful information and advice from suppliers in the wellness industry.
Our aim is to have everyone leave feeling relaxed and rejuvenated – with a renewed passion for integrative and wellness medicine.
We also held a Pre-Conference Retreat based around the topic “Healing, ourselves and the planet” from 6pm Wednesday 4th March to 5pm Friday 6th March at the beautiful Bella Rakha Retreat Centre in Oratia, Auckland. For full information about what was involved, click HERE.
To get a taste of what you can expect at an AIMA Conference, take a look at what was offered at AIMA Conference 2019 and view the video below. Here’s what past attendees have had to say:
“I think it’s THE conference where you can find that depth of knowledge on the nutritional, social, environmental and spiritual level of healing that we’re all looking for – I come every year!”- past attendee
“It’s really inspiring, really engaging and gives me lots of thought for future practice” – past attendee
“You get to meet people who are doing different things, stepping outside the square, willing to try new things to help their patients get the best care in any way they can” – past attendee
The AIMA Conference 2020 activity was endorsed by The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) and has been approved for up to 11 CME credits for the General Practice Educational Programme (GPEP) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) purposes.
We would like to thank our sponsors, without whom running this event would not be possible.
Major Sponsors
with special thanks to:
Platinum sponsor
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors