
Update on MBA Consultation

Listen to AIMA President talking with Andrew Whitfield-Cook from FxMed about the Medical Board of Australia consultation on proposed guidelines […]

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Challenging new MBA guidelines on IM

<div> As many of you may be aware the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) has commenced a public consultation on new guidelines for <strong>'complementary and unconventional medicine and emerging treatments</strong>'.  In the rationale to these guidelines integrative medicine (IM), and AIMA, are specifically mentioned.  Our concern is that, if adopted, these guidelines and the associated discussion paper/rationale would create a 2 tiered system which could threaten the practice of IM and lead to integrative medicine doctors being unfairly and unreasonably targeted. (read the guidelines <a href="https://www.medicalboard.gov.au/News/2019-02-15-public-consultation.aspx?mc_cid=41793c49d8&mc_eid=%5bUNIQID%5d" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>) AIMA met with representatives of the Medical Board of Australia including the MBA Chair, Dr Anne Tonkin on 6 March 2019.  In this meeting we were assured that these guidelines were not intended to target IM but rather were specifically aimed at unsafe practices.  While we accept this reassurance at face value, the actuality is that as IM is specifically mentioned in the rationale, these guidelines COULD apply to us.  The MBA seemed receptive to listening to our concerns and agreed to extend the consultation process by four weeks to allow our community time to respond. <strong>Even if these guidelines were not intended to target IM this is precisely what the discussion paper does.</strong> It is imperative that we, as a community, come together to challenge the adoption of these guidelines.  AIMA and a number of other IM organisations (ACNEM, A5M, BioBalance Health, ACIIDS, NICM) and independent doctors have been meeting to coordinate our responses to the guidelines.  Each organisation will be making a response specific to their concerns and area of practice. However, this is not enough.  We need you, our community, to let the MBA know how these guidelines could effect your practice and impact on your patients' freedom of choice. <strong>What can you do?</strong> <ul> <li>Become a member of AIMA - build a thriving peak body advocating for IM</li> <li>Make a tax-deductible donation to AIMA to fund our campaign and advocacy work</li> <li>Submit a response to the public consultation</li> <li>Let the government - state and federal - know your thoughts on the guidelines</li> </ul> You can view AIMA's major concerns with the proposed guidelines <a href="https://www.aima.net.au/make-a-submission-to-the-mba/">here</a>. </div> <div>Together we need to do all we can to stop the adoption of these guidelines.</div> <div><img src="https://gallery.mailchimp.com/25f62bbbaeabc788cb45c8fd8/images/c8c119fb-fe7f-4df4-b7f7-3ef38c657a4a.jpg" width="80" height="48" data-file-id="1615153" /> Penny Caldicott</div>
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AIMA NZ Conference 2019

Join us in Auckland for the 2019 AIMA Conference.

This year’s program is bigger and better than ever with a fantastic line-up of passionate national and international experts sharing the latest updates and insights on important areas of day-to-day practice including:

* Nutrition
* Genetics/nutrigenomics
* Food intolerances
* Mouth and gut microbiome
* Endometriosis
* CBD research and prescribing
* How to deal with bullying and enhance compassion

Early Bird discounts close on 31 January 2019

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Evidence Based Symptomatic Relief of Cold and Flu

As the warmth of autumn wanes into winter, individuals steer their attention towards natural medicine interventions to deliver relief from cold and flu symptoms. Evidence-based natural medicines not only promote the resolution of symptoms, but also improve immune resilience and surveillance. Several herbal extracts and nutrients reinforce immune function, offering support to individuals at a higher risk of colds and flu; reducing time lost to fighting infection. As integrative practitioners you are subsequently well positioned to provide comprehensive care for your patients this cold and flu season.

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