JOIN AIMA now and access two free webinars!
Become an AIMA member by 31 January 2022 and we’ll give you free access to the first two webinars of our series on Health and Climate Change to watch at your leisure:
- Climate Anxiety and Lifestyle Medicine, Dr Wendy McLean
- Understanding Modern Slavery and Your Role in the Supply Chain, Michelle Fernandez
2021 was a busy year at AIMA and we want to start 2022 by thanking you for your support over last year.
Whether you attended the annual conference, joined one of our webinars, or signed the open letter to lobby the Australian and New Zealand Governments to incorporate integrative medicine into the national health policy – we rely on your involvement and engagement.
Now, more than ever, we need to promote an integrative medicine approach as integral to the health and wellbeing of all people. At AIMA, we are doing all we can to achieve our goals to:
- bring integrative medicine into the mainstream
- foster true collaborations between doctors and practitioners
- build a lively and engaged integrative medicine community
- support and advocate for integrative practitioners and integrative medicine through the power of a collective voice.
We need your support to enable us to continue to achieve these goals and help integrative medicine continue to thrive!
Become a member (if you’re not already) by clicking here.
We operate as an independent not-for-profit organisation supported by our membership and governed by a voluntary board of doctors and leaders in the field of integrative medicine.
Your support can make all the difference.
With your support, we can build a strong integrative medicine community that is united, recognised, supported, and informed
AIMA is the peak medical body representing doctors and health care professionals who practice integrative medicine in Australia and New Zealand.
Our members include a vibrant and passionate community of doctors, nurses, naturopaths/herbalists, nutritionists, dieticians, dentists, health coaches, chiropractors, midwives, osteopaths, pharmacists, psychiatrists/psychologists, students, and other health care professionals.
Together, we believe that by addressing the full range of physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and environmental influences that affect a person’s health, we can deliver evidence-informed, comprehensive, person-centred care to achieve optimal health and healing.
Join AIMA now and let’s push integrative medicine forward.
- Doctor, Naturopath, Medical Herbalist, Allied Health/Medical Practitioner $22 per month
- Student or Friend of AIMA $33 per year
Joining AIMA makes you eligible for a raft of terrific benefits. These include:
- Free subscription to our Monthly AIMA e-Newsletter
- Discounted tickets to informative, fun, and inspiring AIMA Events
- Certificate of Membership (on request)
- One year subscription to Advances in Integrative Medicine (AIMED) – our international peer-reviewed, evidence-based research and review journal
- Having your say to help shape the future of integrative medicine
- Access to education and professional development
- Benefitting from the power of a collective voice advocating the goals of integrative medicine
- Networking and support
Become an AIMA member today by clicking here. We look forward to welcoming you to the AIMA Community!