About AIMA

Lady doctor presenting to other doctors on the tableThe Australasian Integrative Medicine Association (AIMA) is the peak medical body representing the doctors and other health care professionals who practice integrative medicine.  AIMA is an independent not-for-profit organisation supported by its membership and governed by a volunteer board.

As AIMA expands and diversifies, we remain true to our vision of creating a society where everyone can experience their optimal health and wellbeing through integrative medicine and its sustainable model of healthcare. Our mission is to lead and facilitate the development of integrative medical care as being core to the health and wellbeing of individuals and society as a whole.

We work to build a vibrant integrative medicine community which is united, recognised, supported, informed and connected through:

  • Building and supporting a community of integrative medicine practitioners
  • Encouraging and fostering a new generation of integrative doctors
  • Developing standards and guidelines for integrative medicine
  • Creating an inspiring and positive environment for integrative medicine practitioners which fully engages their spirit and talents
  • Advocating for the significant evidence and benefits of the Integrative Medicine approach
  • Fostering connections between all integrative practitioners and their modalities
  • Supporting/accrediting education in integrative medicine
  • Facilitating open and effective communication between IM doctors and practitioners of other health and wellbeing modalities
  • Promoting integrative medicine both within the broad medical community and within society as a whole

Find out more about AIMA membership here

For the AIMA constitution click here

What is Integrative Medicine

Integrative Medicine is a whole-person, patient-centered medical practice.  It combines the best of conventional western medicine with evidence-based complementary medicine and therapies.  These practices are combined to provide the highest level of safe, effective healthcare for our patients.

Integrative Medicine reaffirms the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient, focuses on the whole person, is informed by evidence, and makes use of all appropriate therapeutic approaches, health care professionals and disciplines to achieve optimal health and healing.

It takes into account the physical, psychological and social wellbeing of the person with the aim of using the most appropriate, safe and evidence-based treatments available.

The AIMA Board

AIMA is governed by a volunteer board.  Members are elected for three-year terms, the executive is elected by the board.  Our current board members are:


  • Dr Kate Armstrong, President
  • Dr Leila Masson, Vice President
  • Dr Susan Arentz, Secretary


  • Dr Paulette Maroun

New Zealand

AIMA has a long and vibrant history in New Zealand.  AIMA NZ activities are run by a New Zealand-based management committee under the auspices of AIMA Australia.  We are currently working to constitute AIMA NZ as a separate legal entity.

Our New Zealand activities include a major conference in Auckland each year.  The conference is a highlight of the year for the New Zealand integrative medicine community and a fabulous occasion to learn the latest and to meet and socialize with colleagues.

If you’d like to get involved in AIMA New Zealand drop us a line at [email protected]