AIMA: working with naturopaths to integrate health care

AIMA: working with naturopaths to integrate health care

A working partnership between doctors and naturopaths is the obvious future for our professions and for the wellbeing of patients and practitioners.

We all now know that the tsunami of chronic illnesses that we are facing are predominantly lifestyle and environment related.

The doctor is skilled at gathering the history, bringing clarity to diagnosis and the management of acute conditions and complications of chronic disease.

The naturopath understands the condition or presentation in the context of the patients life story and current circumstances and facilitates lifestyle changes and gentle treatments that aim to re-instate homeostasis into a system that has become disordered. Both professions are highly trained and skilled and complementary to each other.

In recognition of the vital importance of naturopaths in integrative medicine we have opened full membership of AIMA to all naturopaths, this means that naturopaths can vote at our AGM and actively participate in the governance of our organisation. Further, we have designated board positions for allied and complementary practitioners one of which is currently held by a naturopath (see information on our board here).

AIMA is actively working to facilitate true integration of care where doctors work collaboratively with naturopaths, other complementary and allied health professionals and the patient to manage their health and wellbeing. We are developing a communications module to train naturopaths how to communicate effectively with doctors once a naturopath has completed they will be listed on our practitioner database* (and if they’re registered with a body recognised by the World Naturopathic Federation).

The best way to ensure that naturopaths are properly represented in AIMA is to get involved – become a member and be part of the evolving integrative medicine community in Australia and New Zealand. You can join AIMA here.

* To be listed on our practitioner database naturopaths will have to be both members of AIMA and registered with a body recognised by the World Naturopathic Federation)